March: National Nutrition Month

Hi fashionable friends! Welcome back to another blog post. March is National Nutrition Month so this week I wanted to talk about all things nutrition. Nutrition is essential in health & in your fitness journey. Here are a few things I have learned over the years along with some of my go-to grocery restocks each week. 


Prioritizing protein is the base for any good “diet” or nutrition plan. Every day I try to eat one gram of protein per pound I weigh. For example, if you weigh 130lbs you should aim to eat 130g of protein everyday. Now this can seem like a lot, I thought that exact same thing when I first heard this, but it can be easier than it seems. Planning my meals around my protein source has simplified this process for me. So, in the morning, I know I like to eat eggs for breakfast so I plan my meal around the eggs I am going to eat. Pairing my eggs with some turkey bacon and fruit leaves me satisfied, fulfilled, and energized for the day. 


Carbs are NOT bad for you! I know we have all heard that if you are trying to eat healthy or lose weight then you should avoid carbs. But that is false! Adding in healthy carbs (like rice, potatoes, fruit, or sourdough bread) into your meals will ultimately give you more energy and keep you full for longer. So… do not be afraid of carbs. They are good for you!


Healthy fats are also essential in an everyday diet. A few of my favorite foods filled with healthy fats are avocados, nuts, fish, and olive oil. These foods oftentimes are higher in calorie so depending on your goals you will want to consume these foods in moderation. But, they are also good for you!

Ultimately making sure that you are prioritizing protein in each meal will be essential to maintaining a strong structure and eating balanced meals. Now, depending on your fitness or life goals, the other aspects of your diet may change. For example, if you are wanting to lose weight you ultimately need to be in a calorie deficit but you want to keep prioritizing protein while being in the deficit. So, depending on what your goals are can change what your diet may look like. And, if you are looking for help with structuring your diet, there are so many people out there that would love to help you become the healthiest version of yourself! 

Eating all foods in moderation is key to living a healthy life. So, if you are craving that candy bar or extra snack, EAT IT! You are strong and you deserve to eat good food. 

(Below are a few of my recent must haves at the grocery store to maintain my diet) 

I hope you all enjoyed this weeks blog post! I loved diving deeper into nutrition and celebrating this exciting month of March. Nutrition is very important in all of our lives and I hope you learned a few things you can incorporate into your daily life! Thank you for reading… see you next week!

Always remember, YOU LOOK GOOD. 

Current Grocery List:

Ground beef (93/7), Salmon, Ground Turkey, Eggs, Turkey Bacon, non-fat yogurt, Cottage Cheese (fat free)

White Rice, Sweet Potatoes, English Muffins, Sourdough Bread, Peanut Butter

Honey crisp Apples, Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, Bananas, Sweet Peas, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Avocado

4 responses to “March: National Nutrition Month”

  1. Janet Morrow Avatar
    Janet Morrow

    Great advice

  2. Judy Winter Avatar
    Judy Winter

    That salmon and asparagus looks amazing! Good info here!

  3. Jen Palmer Avatar
    Jen Palmer

    Mmm I see you there, artichokes! Yummy! Thanks for sharing, Kamryn!

  4. Lois Votsmier Avatar

    Great advice, Kamryn. We must eat good food to be strong, healthy and satisfed!

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