Tips and Hacks

ADHD Life Hacks

ADHD Mastery: 12 Life Hacks for a Productive and Balanced Lifestyle

With the right strategies and hacks, ADHD life can become more manageable and even enjoyable. In this guide, we’ll explore twelve life hacks designed specifically for individuals with ADHD. From optimizing your morning routine to staying organized throughout the day, these tips will help you navigate daily life with greater ease and productivity. Let’s dive in!

1. Dress the Night Before:

Lay out clothes and critical items the previous evening to streamline your morning routine. It may feel like you’re back in grade school awaiting the first day of classes. But laying your clothes out the night before gives you something to look forward to, and allows you to sleep at night knowing there is one less task on your plate for the AM.

2. Make it Digital:

Store contact information in your phone and enter new numbers immediately to avoid losing scraps of paper. It’s far better to halt a conversation/chore for a moment to write something down, than claim ‘I’ll remember this later.’ Stop fooling yourself… just write to down.

3. Buzz Me:

Program Google Calendar to send alerts for appointments and time-sensitive tasks with different color-coding. During the school year, I have a color for each class as in when each class is and when to make time for homework for each, a color for work such as when I’m scheduled, color for home chores like make supper and shower, and a color for any fun events I don’t want to miss on campus.

4. Track Time:

Use the Time Timer to monitor the passage of time and stay on schedule with tasks. Tasks that I think will take an hour often take three or four hours. This app, or any time manager, will help push you along to staying on track.

5. Memory Trick:

Turn ADHD medication bottles upside down in the cabinet as a reminder to call for refills when running low.

6. Buy Bright and Shiny Objects:

Opt for bright-colored personal effects to avoid overlooking or losing them. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a gal who loves the sleek and sexy appeal of black. However, black is the hardest color to pick out, especially for a collective group of neruodivergents who are made fun of with the phrase, “Oooo, look shiny!”

7. Closet Control:

Implement the one-in-one-out rule for clothing purchases to keep your wardrobe manageable. To be very real, this is something I’ve always been told to do, yet I can never bring myself to. I’ve become a hoarder over the years, and its honestly quite ridiculous how much clothing I alone own and never get around to wearing. But I am hoping once school is done I can finally allocate some time to clearing ol’ bertha out and begin the 1->in 1->out rule for myself.

Yes, yes — I have a problem. Garage sale anyone?
8. Meal Prep:

Set the table and prepare ingredients the night before to simplify mealtime. Then I just throw them in the pot, pan, or microwave. Prep work of any kind is an ADHD-ers best friend, despite the nagging from others who say you can just do it tomorrow.

9. 10-9-8-7…:

Create a launchpad by the front door with essentials like keys, purse, and cell phone charger. I sing a little chant out loud every time I’m about to leave, and it has saved my boyfriend (also an ADHD-er) and I from many turn arounds on the road. It goes, ‘Phones, keys, wallets, WALLETS with IDs and money in them, charger!” — As you could guess, singing ‘wallets’ wasn’t enough. 😉

10. Write it Down:

Keep a small notebook handy to jot down thoughts and ideas without fear of forgetting or getting off track. If you’re afraid that whipping your phone out to take quick notes will come off as rude, a tiny notepad appears more sophisticated. Just remember to go back and look over your notes. I like to take digital notes in the moment, and then later hand write out all the to-do items in a nice list format to check off.

11. Take the Pressure Off:

Categorize tasks on a master to-do list with due dates and priorities to free up mental bandwidth.

12. Pounce on Paper:

Immediately sort incoming paperwork into actionable categories to stay organized and on top of tasks. When new paperwork comes into the house, I immediately sort it into Action Required, Might Act On Someday, Reference, or Trash. The Action Required items go on my desk, and onto my to-do list.

With these life hacks in your arsenal, you’re equipped to tackle the challenges of ADHD and lead a more productive and balanced lifestyle. Remember, small changes can make a big difference, so don’t hesitate to implement these tips into your daily routine. Here’s to mastering ADHD and unlocking your full potential!

    3 Comments on “ADHD Life Hacks

    1. Great info.. Amazingly, I think the closet issue is hereditary! My grandma had 101 dresses, and 101 pairs of shoes!! All organized by color, believe it or not. My mom (your great aunt) has droves of clothes too! I left a closetful to go to charity when I left CA. My hoarding also includes cooking, crafting, crochet, knitting, jewelry making and macrame! I ACTUALLY ALSO SING A SONG WHEN LEAVING THE HOUSE.. i need to add “close the garage” to that ditty.

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