
  • Western Hognose Snake Care Guide

    Western Hognose Snake Care Guide

    Western Hognose snakes are fascinating pets known for their unique defensive behaviors, such as playing dead and mimicking rattlesnakes. They are relatively easy to care for, making them great for beginner and intermediate reptile enthusiasts. Here’s everything you need to know to keep your Western Hognose snake happy and healthy! Habitat & Husbandry Enclosure: A 36″x18″x18″ (40 Gallon) is the minimum tank size for a single Western Hognose snake. They are solitary animals and should be housed alone. Keep in mind that the females get larger than the males, so make sure you upgrade if you have a female! Substrate: Hognose snakes love to burrow, as seen by their adorable little noses! Make sure you provide 4-6 inches of substrate for…