Creator Economy Collective

The business behind content marketing

How YouTubers Help You Recognzie Their Thumbnails

Most good, popular YouTubers have a consistent formula for their channel content so you can more quickly recognize the video at hand. This is a vital thing to establish, or lack thereof, if you can do it right, see Penguinz0 for an example.


This is a very typical thumbnail from YouTuber Penguinz0, better known by his real name Charlie. He exemplifies every “boring” aspect of a YouTube video, and he’s known for it. In fact, he’s pulled in nearly 15 million subscribers using these characteristics. When I’m scrolling through my YouTube feed and I get a recommended video of a guy wearing the same white t-shirt with a random screencap thumbnail, I know its Charlier. I know it’s Charlie because no one else does this. There are so many other channels trying to grab your attention with eye-popping thumbnails and bright colors, that a Charlie video is a nice break. He always delivers on the topic and doesn’t add too much fluff. It’s his brand.

There is a case study to be made around sticking with a consistent thumbnail style, and I think Charlie’s channel exemplifies this. If the actual video you made is good content and is of a consistent quality type, I think the thumbnail just needs to be recognizable as you! This can be something simple like Charlie’s videos where he is always in the video, and therefore always in the thumbnail. He has made himself very recognizable.

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