Why Design? The Importance Of Good Design in Your Home

There are a lot of misconceptions out there about what interior design is and what interior designers do. Many people think that interior design is picking pillows, blankets, and rugs for homes. Despite how comical this stereotype is, I am here to set the record straight – Interior Designers do far more than picking pillows. Designers have the knowledge and expertise to help improve your quality of life through good design. I have explained three reasons for the importance of good design; if you want to learn more, keep on reading!

The Spruce / Alyssa Vela

Good Design Breeds Maximum Efficiency

We spend over half of our lives being in our homes, that’s a lot of time! Living in a space that has maximum efficiency and good organizational solutions is key to having a highly productive home. Space planning is one of the most common things that people struggle with when it comes to good design. Maybe your couch isn’t in the most conducive spot for how you want your living space to function. Or maybe your oven is in an inconvenient location to your sink and workstation; this can make cooking meals difficult. There are so many things that can be slightly inconvenient and individually, they don’t seem like a big deal! However, when things pile up, it can slow us down and make us more stressed than we should be. 

Your Aesthetic Matters

A lot of the time, our home’s efficiency isn’t always in our control. However, one thing we can always improve upon is the aesthetic of our home! Loving your home and the way that it looks can make you happy, calm, and peaceful while in the space. Choosing the design style that is most exciting to you is a great place to start. If you love the way your home looks and feels, you will be happier overall. Check out this blog which outlines the effects design can have on mental health. Keep in mind that using design as a tool for self-expression is what makes a house feel like a home. If you style your home the way that someone else wants you to, you’re not going to love it in the same way that you would if it was the style that YOU prefer. 

Financial Benefits of Good Design

Finally, good design will increase the value of your home. If you live in a home that is a) liveable and efficient, and/or b) aesthetically pleasing to the eye, your home will sell for more $$$ AND it will sell faster! I cannot tell you how many times I have heard of or seen homes sit empty, unable to be sold for the longest time. However, the minute that a designer stages it, the house sells right away! People like to be able to see the home’s potential, so it is of the utmost importance to be able to give them that. 

Good design is important for so many reasons, I couldn’t make a list long enough to cover it all. These three are just a short few that I think everyone should understand. I encourage all of you to get out there and begin your journey into loving your home. You can follow along with me as I walk through tips and tricks for designing your home each week, you can go out and do the research on your own, or you could even hire a professional. Most interior designers will cater to your needs and help you create your dream home. So… let’s get designing! 

P.S. Want to learn more? Check out my other posts here!


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